Originally from the U.S., the Furibondo chili pepper has a marked, though not extreme, spicy flavor suitable for those who love strong but not excessive flavors. The small white flowers from which the fruits are born give a further note of beauty to the plant, which is often used for ornamental purposes.
Italian chilli pepper with fruits growing in bunches facing upwards. They have a very thin and crunchy skin, which is why they are perfect to be dried; they can also be eaten green, not yet ripe, when their piquancy is more immediate and can be perceived first in the mouth.
Of Indian origin but very widespread in the Mauritius Islands. Despite its small size, it is an incredibly productive plant. The coloring of the fruits varies from purple to red and orange, creating a surprising chromaticism. Medium-low spicy, they have a fruity flavor and are used both fresh and dried.
Italian chilli pepper from compact plant, with purple green leaves, produces beautiful purple flowers and conical fruits of green, dark purple, red, depending on the ripening.